Edition 2024
Carte blanche to Publishers for Palestine
Carte blanche à Publishers for Palestine / Carta blanca a Publishers for Palestine
There are vibrant traditions of Palestinian fiction, memoir, philosophy, poetry, children's books, young adult literature, cookery, and more, published originally in Arabic and in other world languages. Where can you find hot Palestinian mysteries, moving memoirs, incisive philosophical writing, fast-paced YA novels? What are the joys and challenges in publishing, promoting, and talking about Palestinian authors and Palestinian books? Come for a wide-ranging discussion of Palestinian literature and translation.
More information:
-Publishers for Palestine is a global collective of publishers and others who work in publishing around the world, who stand for justice, freedom of expression, and the power of the written word.
-Interlink Books
-Saqi Books
-Comma Press
-ArabLit Quarterly & ArabLit Books
Not to be missed:
-Reading for Palestine presented by the Alliance's Arabic-language network 1/2
-Reading for Palestine presented by the Alliance's Arabic-language network 2/2