Graphic novel
Guizou , 
Cécile Barnéoud ill.
Déprimé par sa condition de salarié, Gaëtan n’a plus goût à rien. La découverte inattendue de la permaculture, qui depuis longtemps attire sa compagne Izia, lui offre un second souffle inespéré. Ensemble, ils décident de consacrer une année sabbatique à cette démarche éthique visant à concevoir des écosystèmes humains durables en s’inspirant de la nature. « Vivre en permaculture » donnerait-il accès à une existence plus épanouie, plus harmonieuse, plus équitable ?
Guizou est le pseudonyme d’un duo de permaculteurs invétérés et acteurs engagés de la transition en cours.
Cécile Barnéoud est une illustratrice nantaise qui a déjà plusieurs projets à son actif.
Depressed by his job in a big company, Gaëtan wants to quit. When he unexpectedly discovers permaculture, which has long intrigued his partner Izia, it gives him the opportunity to let go. Together, they take a year’s sabbatical to learn about this ethical design approach aimed at building sustainable human habitats inspired by nature. They hit the road with a list of contacts to help them in this adventure, that is also a quest for meaning.
This comic book retraces the long but always exciting journey of these neophytes. Is it possible to “live in Permaculture”? What exactly does this set of concepts and practices cover? Is permaculture the key to a more fulfilling, harmonious way of life?
Guizou is the pseudonym of a duo of inveterate permaculturists and committed players in the ongoing transition.
Cécile Barnéoud is an illustrator from Nantes who already has several projects under her belt.