Jeunes Malgaches
In 2024, Éditions Jeunes Malgaches is celebrating its 20th anniversary. It specializes in books for young people. Today, it has around a hundred titles in its catalog. The books are available in paper, digital, audio, Braille and sign language, to promote inclusive reading.
The publishing house publishes traditional Malagasy tales, contemporary stories and educational works. It works with Malagasy authors and illustrators to transmit Malagasy culture and help children recognize themselves in what they read.
The company stands out for its innovative projects to promote inclusive reading by reaching as many disadvantaged children as possible, in partnership with associations.
It has acquired the rights to 6 foreign books and participated in 5 co-publications to share other cultures with children.
The company also provides publishing services for associations and institutions.
The company is a member of the Association des éditeurs de Madagascar (AEdiM), the Afrilivres association of French-speaking African publishers and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.
Language(s) of publication: French, Malagasy.